Traditional chinese medicine: phytotherapy, natural medicine
Traditional chinese medicine : Pathogenesis


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Pathogenesis is the science that studies the mechanisms that cause disease and associated symptoms.

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Pathogenesis is the science that studies the mechanisms that cause disease and associated symptoms. It allows researchers to understand how a disease develops, which can help find more effective treatments for that specific condition. Pathogenesis combines various scientific fields such as immunology, microbiology, and genetic engineering to analyze the root causes of a given disease. In particular, it examines how a microorganism or a foreign substance provokes an abnormal immune reaction in a susceptible host and what are the physiological consequences resulting from this infection or toxic exposure. This not only helps explain the process by which certain conditions arise in some individuals rather than others, but also contributes to the future development of therapies aimed at effectively treating that specific condition by blocking or limiting its action on the affected host. .

Some pathogenesis

1 - Early menstruation

Most of the menstrual cycle comes once every 28-30 days, and there are 12-13 cramps in a year. It is generally believed that as long as the early onset does not exceed seven days, it is within the normal range. But in "Smart Chinese Medicine", as long as menstruation is more than 2 days earlier, for example, menstruation occurs 26 days apart, it is considered as early menstruation, and it is regarded as one of the key symptoms, so you should be careful to ask and not forget to enter.

2 - Menstrual delay

It is generally believed that menstrual delay within seven days is within the normal range. However, in "Intelligent Chinese Medicine", if menstruation is delayed for more than 2 days, for example, menstrual cramps are separated by 32 days, it is counted as delayed menstruation.

3 - Irregular menstruation

It means that menstrual cramps sometimes come back late, sometimes early, without a certain pattern.

4 - Currently menstruating

It means that when the patient comes to the clinic, menstruation has just started. Need to indicate the specific day? For example, enter the 2nd day of your menstrual period, or the 7th day of your menstrual period, etc. In "Smart Chinese Medicine", this is a key symptom, and attention should be paid to input.

5 - Heavy menstruation

Under normal circumstances, the amount of bleeding during menstruation is about 50 ml. If it exceeds 80 ml, it can be called heavy menstruation. It must be reminded that since Chinese medicine treats any disease based on syndrome differentiation, the symptom of "heavy menstruation" can only be used when you are currently in your menstrual period. If it is not a menstrual period, but a review of the previous or last month, it is not allowed to enter casually. At the same time, some patients' personalities and habits like exaggeration, and they do not describe their illnesses in a realistic manner, so they should be noticed and carefully screened.

6 - Less menstruation

It means that the amount of bleeding during menstruation is significantly reduced, the bleeding time is shortened, and even clears up in less than two days; there are also menstrual periods that are generally normal, but the bleeding volume during the whole process is less than 30 ml, or drips, which is called oligomenorrhea. In the same way as heavy menstrual flow, this symptom is only used during the menstrual period. If it is not currently in the menstrual period, it should be ignored in principle.

7 - Amenorrhea

From menarche at about 14 years old to menopause at about 49 years old, during this period, except for pregnancy, there is no menstruation for more than 2 months, which is called amenorrhea.

8 - Has been without menstruation

Most women have menarche around the age of 14, because menstruation is one of the secondary sexual characteristics, so menstruation indicates that human body development and physiological functions are beginning to mature. However, due to the influence of other reasons such as hard life, malnutrition, study or work fatigue, or disease, when the person is over 18 years old, menstruation has never come, which is called constant amenorrhea, also known as primary amenorrhea.

9 - Dysmenorrhea

It generally refers to obvious abdominal pain or low back pain when menstruation comes or 1-2 days before menstruation. Pain often subsides gradually with more bleeding. But there are also pains that are difficult to relieve and last until the end of the menstrual period. A small number of patients do not have waist and abdomen pain during menstrual cramps, but regularly have headaches or pain in other parts, which can also be called dysmenorrhea, but most of them belong to endometriosis. In addition to dysmenorrhea symptoms, corresponding symptoms of headache or pain in other parts need to be input. It must be noted that no matter what the situation is, if the pain is mild and will not affect normal work, study and life, it is not considered dysmenorrhea and it is best not to enter it.

10 - Pregnancy

Commonly known as pregnancy, it is a key symptom, and attention should be paid to input.

11 - Postpartum

The period within 2 months after a woman gives birth is called postpartum. In "Smart Chinese Medicine", if it is more than 2 months after delivery, you don't need to enter it.

12 - Vaginal bleeding

In addition to normal menstruation, all bleeding from the vagina in women is called vaginal bleeding, including metrorrhagia and leakage in Chinese medicine, functional uterine bleeding and uterine bleeding during ovulation in Western medicine, etc.

13 - Heavy bleeding

It is a polysemy word, which means bleeding a lot. In principle, it needs to be used in conjunction with various bleeding symptoms, such as the current menstrual period, or vaginal bleeding, or nostril bleeding, bleeding gums, coughing up blood, vomiting blood, blood in the stool and urine, etc. But we must seek truth from facts, if the amount of bleeding is not much, you can not just enter this disease.

14 - Less bleeding

Belonging to polysemy, it means that the amount of bleeding is very small. It can be used in conjunction with vaginal bleeding, nostril bleeding, bleeding gums, coughing up blood, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, hematuria, traumatic bleeding, etc. It can also be used on the first few days of the current menstrual period.

15 - Pale red blood rose

Indicates menstrual cramps or various types of bleeding, the color is very light, mostly due to weak constitution and weak blood.

16 - Blood red

Menstrual cramps or various types of bleeding, bright and bright in color, mostly indicate that there is heat in the body or sufficient Qi and blood. Unless it is accompanied by a lot of bleeding, it is generally considered not a bad phenomenon.

17 - Bloody purple

Menstrual cramps or various bleeding, dark red, reddish purple. Most of them indicate that the internal heat is strong, which is a step higher than the bright red heat.

18 - Dark red

Menstrual cramps or various bleeding, the color is red with black. It usually occurs when the blood flow is very slow or the bleeding is small. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is mostly caused by stagnant blood stasis, so it is one of the characteristics of blood stasis syndrome.

19 - Blood clots

Menstrual cramps or various bleeding with solidified lumps in the middle. Most of them are related to blood viscosity and slow flow rate, and are more common in processes such as dysmenorrhea, miscarriage, and poor uterine contraction after childbirth. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this disease is one of the characteristics of stagnant blood stasis, and it has more diagnostic significance compared with dark red blood.

20 - Leucorrhea

Leucorrhea is a common vaginal discharge in women. If the amount is small and there is no obvious smell, it is mostly normal. But if the belt is continuously taken down, so that the underwear is soaked, it is sick. Generally speaking, white and thin vaginal discharge is mostly cold; yellow and sticky vaginal discharge is mostly hot. Because cold and heat are the two worlds of ice and fire, if the observation is not careful, leucorrhea is said to be yellow, or the yellow belt is said to be leucorrhea, it will lead to a wrong diagnosis, of course the treatment will not be effective, and it may even aggravate the condition. Therefore, when a patient describes the color of his leucorrhea, he must ask repeatedly, and he must not be careless.

21 - Yellow band / Tinted yellow-green

Leucorrhea is yellow or greenish in color, which is believed by traditional Chinese medicine to be caused by dampness and heat. It is common in various gynecological inflammations, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, cervicitis, vaginitis and so on.

22 - Red vaginal discharge with syndrome of kidney yin deficiency

If there is blood mixed in the leucorrhea or yellow discharge, it is manifested as red and white, which is called red discharge in Chinese medicine. Mostly due to damp heat and damage to veins, it is common in gynecological inflammation such as cervical erosion; for older women, it is necessary to pay attention to the screening of malignant tumors.

23 - Anal itching / itching

The scrotum and penis of a man, the vagina and vulva of a woman are collectively referred to as the front yin in traditional Chinese medicine. Where there is a front, there is a back, so the anus is called the back yin. Regardless of itching in the anterior or posterior genitals, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the pathogenesis is mostly related to the betting of dampness and heat, or the presence of insects. Because Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, as long as the symptoms are similar and close, different diseases can be treated with the same treatment, so this article summarizes the anterior and posterior genital itching together.

24 - Vaginal swelling / scrotum swelling and pain

It collectively refers to redness, swelling and pain in men's penis, scrotum, and women's genital area. Others, such as boils, carbuncles, and ulcers in the anterior genital area, can be included.

25 - Bad smell

It is mainly suitable for women, and most of them are related to gynecological inflammation, such as cervical erosion, cervicitis, and vaginitis. If the odor is severe, care must be taken to rule out malignant tumors.

26 - Vaginal ptosis / scrotal ptosis

Mainly refers to a woman's uterine or vaginal prolapse, but also applies to male scrotum prolapse. Because regardless of women or men, genital prolapse is basically caused by qi deficiency and subsidence in traditional Chinese medicine, so they are grouped together.

27 - Less milk

It mostly occurs in women. If it occurs during postpartum lactation, it may be related to malnutrition, mammary gland inflammation, and blocked ducts. If you are not breastfeeding, you must pay attention to check for pituitary lesions.

28 - Milk overflow

Mostly occur in women. If it occurs during lactation, Chinese medicine believes that it is mostly due to physical weakness and cannot be fixed; if it occurs during non-lactation, it is necessary to pay attention to the investigation of pituitary diseases. Generally, pituitary tumors often cause amenorrhea-lactating syndrome, which is characterized by inability to stop menstruation on one side and continuous overflow of milk on the other side.

29 - Breast tenderness

Occurs mainly in women. All kinds of acute and chronic mastitis, breast lobular hyperplasia, cystic hyperplasia, breast nodules, benign and malignant tumors, etc. may cause breast tenderness of varying degrees.

30 - Breast hyperplasia

There are many types of this disease, but simple lobular hyperplasia is the most common. The main manifestations are palpable nodules or lumps in the breast, which may be accompanied by local distending pain. Most of them feel more obvious when they are mentally anxious or before menstruation. The effect of traditional Chinese medicine treatment on this disease can be expected. As long as you relax your mind, be optimistic and happy, the prognosis is mostly good. However, for a small number of patients, if the swelling and pain cannot be eliminated for a long time, the mass continues to increase, the texture becomes hard, and there is a possibility of concurrent malignant cancer, you need to be more vigilant.

31 - Fertility difficulties / infertility

Both men and women are applicable to this disease. It is generally believed that after a woman gets married, the husband and wife live together for 2 years and never become pregnant, which is called infertility. According to modern medical statistics, among couples suffering from infertility, about 2/3 of the causes are due to the woman, and 1/3 are due to the man. However, according to clinical observations, although the cause of infertility is related to the sexual life of men and women, it is a fact that most of the lesions exist in women. Therefore, targeted treatment around women can increase the cure rate. Male infertility is called infertility, mostly manifested as insufficient sperm count, sperm deformity, dead sperm, and no sperm. It is generally believed that the normal sperm volume should not be less than 60 million per milliliter; based on the calculation of a semen output of about 3-6 milliliters, the number of sperm entering a woman's body each time should be kept at more than hundreds of millions. If the sperm count decreases significantly, less than 4000/ml, especially less than 2000/ml, it can be determined as male infertility. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect in treating this disease and is worthy of popularization and application. However, the curative effect on all dead sperm in men cannot be determined, especially in patients with no sperm, it can be said that it is basically ineffective.

32 - Pregnancy / repeated abortion

It means that after pregnancy, the growth and development of the fetus is abnormal and unstable, and it will inevitably slip after a certain period of time. Modern medicine is called habitual abortion.

33 - Loss of libido

Sex is the instinct of all advanced animals, including human beings. Without sex and the mating that is manifested in behavior, offspring cannot be reproduced, and species will become extinct. So sex and desire for sex, as long as it is allowed by law, is sacred, beautiful and should be respected. However, if the body is gradually weakened due to strong pressure in life or mental aspects, or other chronic diseases, it will often affect the requirements for sex. Not interested, this situation is called loss of libido, also called frigidity.

34 - Bad wind

It is also called fear of the wind or fear of the wind, that is, when the wind blows, the body will feel uncomfortable, resulting in a feeling of disgust or fear. In addition to appearing in external syndromes such as wind-cold, wind-heat, and rheumatism, it is related to physical weakness or decreased resistance caused by various reasons.

35 - Aversion to cold

Also called fear of cold, fear of cold. Even if you live in a secret room, there is no breeze, and you wear warm clothes, you still feel cold. Severe ones are called shivering. Wearing a cotton jacket or even a thick quilt, the whole body is still shivering from the cold. Aversion to cold mostly occurs in the process of influenza, various acute infectious diseases, physical deficiency and yang weakness. In particular, the so-called "typhoid fever" and "exogenous wind-cold" in traditional Chinese medicine all have aversion to cold as the main symptom. Chills, on the other hand, mainly appear in various severe inflammations, malaria attacks, etc.

36 - Hot and cold

Fever and chills appear alternately. When feeling aversion to cold, there is no fever or only low-grade fever; when the fever or fever rises, the aversion to cold disappears. Soon there was an aversion to cold, and repeated attacks like this. This type of heat mainly appears in typhoid fever and Shaoyang disease, which is called half-outside half-inside syndrome. Others such as malaria, acute pyelonephritis or acute exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis may also have the symptoms of this disease.

37 - Fever / body heat

Refers to elevated body temperature (oral body temperature over 37 degrees, anal body temperature over 37.5 degrees). Regardless of low fever or high fever, Chinese medicine collectively refers to fever. The causes of its occurrence can be caused by exogenous wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, fire and six evils, as well as internal injuries such as emotions, diet, overwork, room, room, insect erosion, and blood stasis. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" says: "Those with fever and aversion to cold originate in Yang; those without heat and aversion to cold originate in Yin." It can be seen that fever most likely belongs to yang syndrome and heat syndrome, such as Taiyang disease, Yangming disease, and Shaoyang disease in typhoid fever, and Wei, Qi, Ying, and blood syndromes in febrile disease. In addition, yin and cold syndromes sometimes also cause fever, such as the syndromes of Mahuang Fuzi Gancao Decoction, Zhenwu Decoction, and Sini Decoction in Shaoyin disease.

38 - Afternoon low fever / day afternoon hot flashes

Low-grade fever in the afternoon refers to a low-grade fever that occurs every afternoon. Morning refers to the evening, and hot flashes in the afternoon refer to regular fever like sea tide rising every night, and the heat will gradually subside at night or until dawn. These two types of heat are mostly seen in tuberculosis; they can also appear in Yangming fu organs, such as Dachengqi Decoction syndrome.

39 - More hot and less cold

It means that there is more fever than aversion to cold. As the name suggests, it has clearly told us that this disease is undoubtedly a febrile disease, and the treatment should be based on cooling and diathermy. However, in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", there are records that Guizhi Ephedra Geban Decoction, Guizhi Ermahuang One Decoction, and Guizhi Eryue Biyi Decoction are mainly used.

40 - Body / extremity pain

Pain means obstruction, general means no pain, pain in the whole body or limbs is mostly caused by stagnation of qi and blood, and the main treatment method is to reconcile qi and blood, dredge meridians and activate collaterals. However, it can also be caused by wind-cold or rheumatism, such as Guizhi Decoction, Guizhi Fuzi Decoction, and Mahuang Decoction in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", and Mahuang Xingren Gancao Coix Decoction in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber". established for such certificates.

41 - Body is tense

It means that the muscles and joints all over the body are particularly stiff, and there is no normal soft and comfortable feeling. In ancient Chinese medicine, this disease was called lameness, and those accompanied by sweating were called soft lameness; those without sweating were called rigid lameness.

42 - Body is heavy

It refers to the appearance of a person's whole body and limbs feeling heavy and too lazy to move. Most of them are related to weak constitution, insufficient Qi and blood, stagnation of water and dampness, and excessive accumulation of garbage.

43 - Physical vanity

The noun proposed in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" means weakness. For example, there are 396 articles in the book: "After the typhoid fever is relieved, the qi is weak and the qi is weak, and the qi is rebellious and wants to vomit. The bamboo leaf gypsum soup is the main one." Judging from the use of ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, roasted licorice, and japonica rice in the prescription to nourish and strengthen, it shows that this disease often includes symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue. The treatment should be based on tonification, and then combined with the specific symptoms of yin, yang, qi, and blood to carry out detailed compatibility. Add yin-nourishing medicine for yin deficiency; warm yang medicine for yang deficiency; qi-tonifying medicine for qi deficiency; blood-tonifying medicine for blood deficiency, etc.

44 - Body shaking / shaking

Body movement refers to the uncontrolled jumping of the whole body or partial muscles of the limbs. Body shaking means that the limbs tremble, and walking or standing are unstable. The above two situations are mostly related to muscle contracture or increased excitability. In severe cases, it may be due to obstructive changes in the nervous system of the human body. In "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", it is believed that the etiology is mainly due to the failure of the spleen and kidney yang, and the inability to transport and transform, leading to the condensation of water vapor or phlegm. However, combined with actual analysis, the main feature of this disease is the jumping or vibration of muscles and limbs. There is no doubt that this is a "moving" process, not a static process. In the classification of yin and yang, yin dominates tranquility, descends, and restrains; yang is active, ascends, and excites. Now it is in a state of movement, obviously upwards and excited. Therefore, according to the clinical findings, the majority of this disease belongs to yang excess rather than yang deficiency, such as hyperactivity of liver yang, internal movement of liver wind, etc., which need to arouse our common attention.

45 - Edema of the whole body / extremities

Edema is also called edema. If you press the part with your fingers, there will be obvious depressions in most cases, which is mostly caused by water staying in the subcutaneous tissue. Since the kidney is the main organ responsible for the metabolism of water in the human body, any edema is closely related to the dysfunction of the kidney. Of course, others, such as heart and liver diseases, may also have symptoms of edema in the whole body or limbs. The edema caused by kidney disease starts from the face or the upper part, and gradually develops to the whole body or limbs as the disease worsens; the edema caused by heart and liver diseases starts from the lower limbs, and then gradually develops to the abdomen, upper limbs and even the whole body. This can be used as a point of identification.

46 - Anasarcous fluid retention

It is one of the diseases of "four drinks (including phlegm drink, suspension drink, overflow drink, branch drink)" mentioned by traditional Chinese medicine. According to Jinkui's description, his symptoms are characterized by pain and severe pain throughout the body, which is mainly caused by "the outbreak of drinking water belongs to the limbs, when you sweat but do not sweat".

47 - Suspending fluid

The name of the disease in traditional Chinese medicine, the symptom characteristic is "cough saliva lead to pain", which means pain in the chest and hypochondria caused by coughing. According to the analysis of Shizao Decoction used for the main treatment in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", Gansui, Euphorbia, and Daphne are all strong diuretics with certain toxicity. "Lower", a serious disease with a large amount of effusion in the pleural cavity, which is roughly similar to various pleurisy, pleural tuberculosis, etc.

48 - Thoracic fluid retention

The name of the disease in traditional Chinese medicine, "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" describes its manifestations as "coughing and leaning on breath, shortness of breath, unable to lie down, and its shape is like swelling". "Drink" is the abbreviation of "shui drink". Diseases are called "drink", and there must be a lot of water stagnation. Therefore, we believe that in this disease, coughing is often accompanied by expectoration; at the same time, it is difficult to cough up phlegm, which will inevitably lead to dyspnea, so people will lean on the chair to pant and find it difficult to lie down. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, etc. in Western medicine may all be included in this disease.

49 - No perspiration / no sweat

It means no sweating all over the body. If there is no illness such as fever, and no strenuous exercise or work under high temperature, no sweating is a normal phenomenon, especially in cold weather in winter, it is generally not easy to sweat. Therefore, this disease is only meaningful under special circumstances. For example, "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" said: "Taiyang disease with fever and chills, no sweat, floating and tight pulse is typhoid; sweating, floating and slow pulse is stroke." If the pulse is floating, fever without sweating, Guizhi Decoction, Baihu Decoction, etc. must be forbidden.

50 - Sweating / spontaneous sweating / the head is sweating

Everyone knows that there is sweat, that is to say, some wet sweat comes out when touching the skin. But it usually occurs when there is fever, high temperature, work fatigue or sports; if there is no reason, it is often easy to sweat for no reason, which is called spontaneous sweating in traditional Chinese medicine; If there is basically no other parts below the neck, it is called but head sweating.

51 - Sweating / profuse sweating

It is normal to sweat a lot after strenuous exercise or working in a high temperature environment. Only in the course of the disease, sweating is not stopped, it can be called hyperhidrosis or profuse sweating.

52 - Night sweat

Not because of the hot weather, after falling asleep, a lot of sweating occurs all over the body, which is called night sweats. It means that a person's skin can't stick to it, and the body fluid is stolen by thieves.

53 - Yellow sweat

It is recorded in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" that the characteristic is that the sweat that flows out is yellow and sticks to the clothes, like cork juice. This disease is difficult to see at present, but the purpose of "Intelligent Chinese Medicine" is to completely inherit the classics, so the understanding and treatment of ancient times are accurate.

54 - Fatigue

It refers to the syndrome caused by deficiency of righteousness and overwork. It can be manifested as yin deficiency, yang deficiency or both yin and yang deficiency; qi deficiency, blood deficiency or both qi and blood deficiency. Generally speaking, it can include various chronic diseases where the body's resistance is obviously insufficient.

55 - Five fatigues

"Nei Jing" said: "Long looking at the blood, lying down for a long time hurts the qi, sitting for a long time hurts the flesh, standing for a long time hurts the bones, and walking for a long time hurts the tendons. These are the injuries caused by the five kinds of labor." Therefore, this disease is a disease caused by overwork. It can also be understood as the damage of the liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney to the extreme. Compared with exhaustion, it is only worse than nothing.

56 - Mental fatigue

It refers to mental fatigue and lack of energy throughout the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is mainly caused by qi deficiency and being unable to nourish it. But in modern times, with the increase in food supply and decrease in labor intensity, most people overeat and consume less, resulting in an imbalance between supply and demand in the body, and too much waste, which will also lead to fatigue. . Therefore, how to properly treat this disease and give reasonable treatment is the key to achieve the effect, which cannot be ignored.

57 - Lethargy

No matter the day or night, I think about sleep, and I always feel that I don’t get enough sleep. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" said: "Shaoyin is a disease, and the pulse is fine and thin, but you want to sleep", which seems to reveal that most of this disease belongs to the excess of yin and the decline of yang. However, from clinical practice, many patients with accumulated dampness and heat in the body also often experience lethargy. Through clearing away heat and dampness, the effect will be achieved soon. Explain that everything is divided into two, not rigid.

58 - Restless / restless sleep

It means that it is difficult to fall asleep, or the sleep is very shallow and easy to wake up, which is often related to the patient's experience. If there is a lot of pressure in work, study or life, and worries and sorrows cannot be resolved, oral medicines are often ineffective. In such cases, psychological counseling is necessary to let them understand that sleep problems are not diseases, and unsatisfactory things in life are very common, and excessive anxiety is of no benefit. Only in this way can most people heal without treatment.

59 - Insomnia / won't sleep

Repeated tossing and turning could not fall asleep, severe sleepless nights, and sometimes even taking compulsory sedatives did not help. In addition to comforting and persuading these patients to rebuild their confidence, they also need to adjust their digestive function, because in many cases, insomnia is closely related to the weakening of gastrointestinal motility. The "Nei Jing" says: "If the stomach is not in harmony, you will feel restless when you lie down." This is the case. In addition, soaking feet in hot water for half an hour at night can promote the expansion of blood vessels in the lower limbs, thereby reducing the pressure on the brain, which is also helpful to improve sleep.

60 - Dreamy

As the saying goes: "Think about it in the day, dream in the night". It is understandable that dreaming is the most normal thing. So if there are no other symptoms of discomfort, no treatment is necessary at all.

61 - Dream of sex

It is referred to as dream intercourse, which is different from ordinary dreams. Regardless of men and women, if dream intercourse occurs frequently, it will cause certain damage to the body. Especially for male patients, ejaculation is unavoidable during dream intercourse, and the loss of semen every night, in addition to causing psychological fear, the expression will also be listless, and the efficiency of study and work will plummet. To treat this disease, if there is no manifestation of internal heat, the Guizhi plus Longgu Muli Decoction in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" has a certain effect and is worth trying.

62 - Nocturnal ejaculation / premature ejaculation

This disease is exclusive to male patients. Among them, nocturnal ejaculation can be divided into two types: nocturnal ejaculation and sperm loss. The first is intercourse during sleep, followed by ejaculation; the second is uncontrollable ejaculation when you see a woman you like awake. Treatment can be used to calm the nerves and astringent drugs, but for wet dreams, it is recommended to take a scarf around the abdomen and tie a knot in the middle of the waist, so that the patient can sleep on it. the side, eliminate the oppression of the quilt, and reduce the erection of the penis to avoid ejaculation. . As for premature ejaculation, it means that the duration of sexual intercourse with a woman is too short, and ejaculation occurred even before vaginal penetration. In this case, as long as the erection of the penis is normal, it is not pathological. Most of them are caused by mental stress and lack of confidence. If taking a certain drug works, this is only a hint of its effect. Therefore, patients are recommended to let go of their mental burdens and believe that they are the best; at the same time, they can exercise slowly to extend sexual intercourse by one minute, which is a progress.

63 - Impotence

Impotence means that a man's penis cannot have an erection, or the erection is not firm, or it is loose and limp without intercourse. Traditional Chinese medicine believes it is related to kidney qi deficiency, as the "Nei Jing" describes that "the kidney is the official of the strong". However, in practice, it is not uncommon for middle-aged and elderly patients with this disease to have penile vascular sclerosis and insufficient local blood perfusion due to hyperlipidemia. In this case, the method of toning the kidney and strengthening the essence cannot be effective, so it should be known. In addition, if you have no confidence in sex, subconsciously think that you are inferior to others, worry that the woman will be dissatisfied, etc., it is easy to suppress the passion and reduce the excitability of the penis. Therefore, it is good to enlighten and comfort patients, and believing in yourself is also the key to enhancing the healing effect, which cannot be ignored.

64 - Forgetfulness / Memory loss

It is generally believed that this disease is mostly caused by insufficient kidney qi and emptiness of the marrow sea. However, Zhang Zhongjing regarded the accumulation of blood stasis as the main pathogenesis. For example, "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" said: "If a person likes to forget, he must have accumulated blood; so if he does, he will have blood stasis for a long time, so he likes to forget." According to clinical findings, this disease mostly occurs in the elderly. Especially in recent years, the four highs (high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and high creatinine) of the elderly have become rampant. Everyone knows that if it is higher than normal, it means overnutrition. According to the TCM rule of "replenish the deficiency and damage the surplus", for the four highs of overnutrition, the method of excretion may still be incompetent, so how can we blindly supplement it? Therefore, tonifying the kidney and replenishing essence is only suitable for the younger generation, or individual patients who are really weak. In most cases, the correct way to deal with it is to follow Zhongjing's teachings, adopting methods of promoting blood circulation and promoting blood stasis, or other methods of removing the old and bringing forth the new.

65 - Dementia

It is called Alzheimer's disease in modern times. It is actually mental retardation or even loss. When it is severe, you often can't remember your name, where you live, your relatives, neighbors and friends, so that you can't take care of yourself. Mainly due to degenerative changes in the central nervous system of the brain. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, because it is similar to amnesia, but the severity of the disease is different, the principles, methods and medicines of the treatment can be used for reference.

66 - Palpitations / Heart palpitations

It refers to consciously throbbing in the heart; when it is severe, it seems that the heart is about to jump out, which is also called palpitation in Chinese medicine. This disease can be caused by heart disease or non-cardiac disease. Now there are many instruments that can be used to identify, but the simplest and most convenient method is to use a stethoscope. As long as you hear murmurs (especially diastolic murmurs) in the precordial area, you can basically determine that there is a heart disease; otherwise, it is other diseases, such as neuropathy Weakness, autonomic dysfunction, etc.

67 - Easily startled

In layman's terms, it is timid and frightened. The so-called "fearful and frightened" refers to this disease. "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" says: "Fear is all obtained from shock". It can be seen that this disease is caused by experiencing fearful and difficult things or things in the past, and always remembering them in the heart, so that it forms contact with unfamiliar environments and interpersonal relationships, and cannot relax. Although time has passed, it is still brooding. To treat this disease, as long as you explain it well to the patient, there is nothing in the world to be afraid of. Even people's birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. If you want to establish a fearless spirit, and then combine drug treatment, it will get twice the result with half the effort and will be relieved soon. question.

68 - Restless / annoyed

The word trouble is next to the fire, and the fire is extremely hot, indicating that whether it is a cold syndrome or a heat syndrome, all irritability is mostly caused by internal heat. For example, "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" says: "Taiyang stroke, floating and tight pulse, fever and chills, body pain, no sweating and irritability, Daqinglong Decoction is the main treatment." Among them, aversion to cold and floating and tense pulse are due to the wind-cold trapped on the body surface; and irritability is due to internal heat. Therefore, when ephedra, cassia twig, ginger, etc. disperse the wind-cold, add gypsum to clear the internal heat. If irritability is not internal heat, why is it compatible with cool plaster? It can be seen that when clinical syndrome meets irritability, heat-clearing medicine must be the first choice. However, this is not always the case in individual cases, such as "if the fire is reversed, and those who are irritable due to burning needles, Guizhi Licorice Longgu Oyster Soup should be used." There is no cooling medicine here, and a small amount of pungent and warm cinnamon sticks are also used. It stands to reason that there is both fire retrograde and burning needles, which is simply adding fuel to the fire. How can cinnamon sticks be used? Isn't it perverse? In fact, if you use medicine to test the disease, you must not have obvious symptoms of heat such as thirst, dry throat, red urine and yellow fur, otherwise cassia twig must not be used. Or why Wang Shuhe of the Wei and Jin Dynasties said: "Swallow the osmanthus twigs, but die when the yang is flourishing"?

69 - Sad to cry

"Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" said: "Women are impatient, happy and sad, and want to cry. The image is like a god's creation, and the number is not stretched. Ganmai Dazao Decoction is the main one." Reading the original text brings us some enlightenment: the first is that this disease is more common in women; the second is that the mood is more irritable; the third is that it may recur; Spiritual weakness is often debilitating as the fifth. Lu Yuanlei said: "When diagnosing this disease, we must remember that the patient's words are often false and untrustworthy." There are also special effects."

70 - Mental depression

The main manifestations of depression are pessimistic thinking, depressed mood, and no joy in life. In my country, this disease is mostly seen in women. Because women are often sentimental, this may be related to the long-term feudal society in ancient my country, women must abide by the three obediences and four virtues, and the inner pain cannot be released. Although equality between men and women is implemented now, men are basically still in the dominant position. Especially in rural areas, many families even have violence. Therefore, it is easy to understand that women are prone to emotional diseases.

71 - Night cry

All occur in infants under one year old, mainly manifested as regular night crying. Most of the time during the day, nothing happened. Every night, no matter how you take care of her, breastfeed her, change her diaper, etc., she always cries. Usually it lasts for a few quarters of an hour or even an hour before gradually falling asleep quietly. Because children have a pure yang body, this disease is mostly caused by accumulated heat in the heart and spleen, and clearing and resolving internal heat is the basic treatment.

72 - Insanity

This disease is a mental disorder. The clinical features are loss of orientation, lack of shame, unwillingness to avoid relatives, unrestrained speech, profanity, aggressive behavior, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is mostly caused by phlegm obsessing the heart orifices, internal heat burnt or blood stasis accumulation, and can be treated by guiding phlegm to resuscitate, clearing heat and reducing fire, and removing blood stasis and purging.

73 - Crazy / Madness

The font of madness is composed of a dog next to a king. The dog is an alias for a dog, which means that the dog has gone crazy and regards itself as the king. Lao Tzu is number one in the world. So madness is madness, arrogance, uttering wild words, shameless. Rumania is the symptoms of the patient, like madness, which is almost the same as madness. And madness is more serious and violent, beating people and destroying things, singing and dancing, unscrupulous and reckless. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" said: "The bladder is hot, and the person is like a madman. The blood flows down, and the person who is down will heal"; Jiao, when the abdomen is full, and those who urinate self-consciously, the blood will heal." It can be seen from the cognition of the ancients that no matter whether it is crazy or crazy, as long as there is no abnormality in urination, it is mostly caused by internal knots of blood heat. Clearing heat and cooling blood and purging blood to expel blood stasis have become the main treatment methods for this disease. Professor Zhang Fengchun of Chongqing Medical University believes that this disease belongs to the category of mental illness, and the application of modified Wendan decoction has good curative effect, which is worth learning and learning from.

74 - Delirium / stammer

This disease is called delirium in Western medicine, and it is an important manifestation of confusion. It shows that the brain cells are in a state of poisoning, and the situation is critical. It must be taken seriously. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" believes that the disease is in Yangming, and if it belongs to the classic syndrome, you can use Baihu Decoction; if it belongs to the Fu syndrome, you can use Chengqi Decoction.

75 - Sudden fainting

It is a sudden fainting, most of which are manifested as temporary loss of consciousness, pale complexion, cold hands and feet, and can often recover gradually within a short while. This disease is mostly caused by transient insufficiency of blood supply to the brain. It can be said to be a syndrome, because many diseases may cause this situation, such as epilepsy, hypoglycemia, orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmia and so on. When the attack occurs, take the supine position urgently, keep warm, and use the index finger to pinch the Renzhong point between the lower end of the nasal septum and the upper lip.

76 - Coma

It is a serious symptom, most of which appear in the process of sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver and kidney failure, severe infectious diseases, shock, etc. Because it is related to the life and death of patients, although Chinese medicine has emergency medicines such as Zhibaodan, Zixuedan, Angong Niuhuang Pills, and Suhexiang Pills, it is not good at rescuing critical emergencies. Therefore, Western medicine should be used for emergency treatment, or integrated Chinese and Western medicine. All treatment should be based on the interests of patients, and there should be no selfish distractions.

77 - Twitch

It refers to intermittent or continuous spasm and twitching of muscles, which can occur in various parts of the body, such as hands, feet, face, etc., and is mostly caused by nervous system involvement. There are many diseases that cause this disease, but traditional Chinese medicine believes that its main pathogenesis is the internal movement of liver wind, and the usual treatment method is to calm the liver wind. For example, Zhengan Xifeng Decoction, Lingyang Uncaria Decoction, etc., can be used.

78 - Muscular cramps

Tendon contracture is the manifestation of muscle spasm and contraction; internal contraction produces a pulling feeling. It can be caused by factors such as cold stimulation, local compression, excessive loss of body fluids, and decreased calcium ions in the blood. The condition is mild and shallow, and if there are no other symptoms, it can often be cured without medicine.

79 - Muscle twitches

It refers to the twitching of muscles in various parts of the body, the most common ones are twitching in the corners of the eyes. In fact, it is not far from convulsions, but the condition of this disease is milder, and the condition of convulsions is heavier, so this is used as a difference.

80 - Hemiplegia

Hemiplegia, also called hemiplegia, is the basic paralysis of one half of the body. However, hemiplegia can better reflect the actual situation than hemiplegia, because sometimes the condition is not so serious that it does not reach the point of paralysis, but just feels numbness on one side, or difficulty in flexion and extension. Therefore, we believe that it is more reasonable to use hemiplegia as a symptom indicator. This disease often occurs after a cerebrovascular accident, including cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral embolism and cerebral thrombosis. Typical hemiplegia, especially those caused by cerebral hemorrhage, or patients with no signs of improvement after a course of six months, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is often not very satisfactory, and acupuncture, physical therapy and other treatment options must be combined.

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