Traditional chinese medicine: phytotherapy, natural medicine
Traditional chinese medicine : Golden rules

Golden rules

Master in Traditional Chinese Medicine: dialogue through time and space

The 7 main golden rules

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The Golden Rules of Medicine are a set of principles that guide medical practitioners when making decisions about the treatment and care of patients. These principles were established by health professionals in order to lead clinicians to adopt a more rational, humane and responsible approach. The Golden Rules encourage clinicians to recognize when they need to seek additional advice or assistance to ensure their patients receive the best care possible. They also encourage awareness of the patient's personal well-being as well as physical, mental and social well-being; which is essential to ensure an optimal quality of life for people treated by a medical care provider.

1 - Help

Here are not only the usage methods of smart Chinese medicine, but also very important precautions. As long as learners are familiar with these two contents, they can master the essence of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It only takes a few hours, at most a few days of operation, and the curative effect is only worse than that of an old Chinese doctor who has been practicing for decades. This is not nonsense or nonsense, but the experience of countless famous Chinese medicine doctors in ancient and modern times, which is being used by you. In addition, there are many other materials here, such as explanations of terms, lists of symptoms, lists of diseases, maps of tongue diagnosis, diagrams of abdominal diagnosis, efficacy of medicinal materials, etc., which can be feasted on.

2 - Rule of thumb

No matter how complicated the syndromes are and how ever-changing the condition is, the treatment principles of Chinese medicine always hold high the banner of balancing yin and yang; This spirit of syndrome differentiation and treatment is the soul of traditional Chinese medicine and a family heirloom left by ancient ancestors to our descendants. In intelligent Chinese medicine, it will be better inherited and better developed!

3 - Pathogenesis

Here is the analysis of syndromes and diseases, why they are formed, and why they occur. Chinese medicine calls it pathogenesis, which is equivalent to pathology in Western medicine. It's just that the language of Chinese medicine and Western medicine are different, and there are differences in the way of expression. For example, when dealing with infectious diseases, Western medicine believes that the etiology is caused by microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses; while Chinese medicine believes that the etiology is caused by exogenous diseases such as wind-cold and wind-heat. Although the cognitions are very different, the goal is the same, which is to eliminate the pain as soon as possible and restore health as soon as possible.

4 - Diagnosis

Diagnosis, the collected syndromes can be comprehensively summarized, accurately calculated, and the pathogenesis can be automatically analyzed; treatment principles can be proposed; and the selection method of survival of the fittest can be adopted to automatically organize prescriptions. At the same time, the number of medicines to be taken, how to cook them, the contents of the doctor's orders, etc., will be completed in one step. It fully demonstrates the well-organized and well-organized characteristics of intelligent Chinese medicine.

5 - Disease

Any abnormal condition, pain or discomfort in any part of the body is called a disease. Here, many experiences of major hospitals across the country who have been diagnosed by western medicine and adopted traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods have been observed to obtain good curative effects are selected to provide reference for learning Chinese medicine. The content covers 400 diseases including infectious diseases, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, facial features, andrology, and oncology. However, since syndrome differentiation and treatment are the soul and the real essence of Chinese medicine, in intelligent Chinese medicine, syndromes exist as meridians, while diseases serve as supplements. They can cooperate with each other and learn from each other's strengths to achieve better results.

6 - Syndromes

This is the core part of intelligent Chinese medicine, and it is also the basis for Chinese medicine to treat patients based on syndrome differentiation. It needs to be inquired, collected and recorded in detail. Syndromes and symptoms are different. A symptom is just a simple symptom. For example, headache is a symptom, cough is a symptom, and thirst is a symptom. But if you combine them, it becomes a syndrome. Therefore, syndromes are also called symptom groups, or syndromes, which are a combined group.

7 - Profile

It refers to the most basic and simple situation of the patient, which must be carefully recorded. Include name, gender, age, marriage, and contact information, such as mobile phone or email, for easy contact. As for the weight, if you are not particularly obese, you will not enter the input, and there are no strict requirements.

The other golden rules

Diffuse wind chill

According to the treatment principles of traditional Chinese medicine, the "Huangdi Neijing" puts forward that "the cold will be hot" and "the hot will be cold"; In order to more accurately implement syndrome differentiation and treatment, and better point out the direction for prescriptions and medications, "Intelligent Chinese Medicine", like the teaching materials of modern Chinese medicine universities, refines the treatment rules.

Divergent wind-cold is a medicine with pungent and warm taste. By drawing the human body's qi and blood to the skin surface, sweating occurs at the hair orifice, thereby sweeping away the evil of the invading wind-cold. Commonly used products include ephedra, cassia twig, nepeta, windproof and so on.

By Xin Liang

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to four qi and five tastes. Qi means that medicines have four different attributes: cold, hot, warm, and cool; taste means that each medicine has five different tastes: sour, bitter, sweet, pungent, and salty.

Traditional Chinese medicines that are cool in nature can clear away heat and heat; medicines with pungent flavors mostly have a dispersing effect. Xinliang published that it uses medicines with the above characteristics to treat fever, aversion to wind, headache, thirst and other wind-heat syndromes. Commonly used are mulberry leaves, mint, cicada slough, forsythia and so on.


"Nei Jing" said: "Wind is the root of all diseases; when it changes, it will cause other diseases." It shows that diseases caused by wind evil are very common.

Shufeng is the use of medicines that can evacuate, so that the evil wind that harms the human body can be expelled. Commonly used nepeta, notopterygium, mulberry leaves, mint, cicada slough and so on.

Heat clearing

Diseases are either hot or cold. It is common sense to treat hot ones with cold and cool medicines, and cold ones with warm medicines.

Heat clearing is to use cold and cool medicine to clear away warm and hot diseases. There are many commonly used varieties, such as honeysuckle, purple diding, dandelion, houttuynia cordata, gypsum, Anemarrhena, habitat, scutellaria, berberine, cork, gardenia and so on.

Clearing heat and relieving summer heat

Heat stroke refers to a seasonal disease caused by the disturbance of the human body's heat dissipation mechanism in the hot summer.

Clearing heat and relieving summer heat, the use of cool and refreshing medicine can decompose the symptoms caused by strong sunlight. Commonly used products include gypsum, Anemarrhena, bamboo leaves, lotus leaves, honeysuckle, Liuyisan, etc.

Exorcism and detoxification

Evil is the evil energy that invades the human body, and poison is the further upgrade of evil energy, commonly known as heat poison.

Exorcism and detoxification is the use of drugs that have the effect of clearing away toxins, so that symptoms or diseases can be relieved. Commonly used are silver flower, forsythia, purple diding, dandelion, berberine, skullcap, phellodendron, gardenia and so on.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that diseases are different from those on the outside, on the inside, and half on the outside and half on the inside. Treatment of superficial syndromes should focus on resolving exterior syndromes; internal syndromes should be treated with warming, clearing, replenishing and dispelling according to cold, heat, deficiency and excess;

Reconciliation between the exterior and the interior is the main method to treat the syndrome of half exterior and half interior. Commonly used drugs are Bupleurum, Scutellaria, Artemisia annua, Jasper powder and so on.


The nature of febrile diseases can be divided into deficiency heat and excess heat;

Purge excess heat, it is the use of drugs that have the ability to relieve stool and clear away heat and toxins to eliminate the syndrome of excess heat in the interior. Commonly used products are rhubarb, Glauber's salt, kansui, senna and so on.

Expelling wind and dampness

Wind and dampness often work hand in hand, and most of them entangle each other between the joints of the meridians and joints of the human body, causing soreness and pain.

Expelling wind and dampness is a method to relieve diseases by using medicines to expel wind evil and dredge water dampness. Commonly used products include Qianghuo, Duhuo, Guizhi, Cangzhu, Job's tears, Fangji, Mulberry Branch, Tengshiteng and so on.

Warming yang and expelling cold

Yang deficiency leads to dense yin and cold, and yin deficiency leads to dense internal heat.

Warming the yang and expelling the cold is to use warming medicine to invigorate the yang qi, so that the yin and cold qi that is full of the human body can be dissolved. Commonly used products are aconitum, aconite, dried ginger, cassia twig and so on.

Warm cold and damp

Water damp stays in the body, which can be divided into cold transformation and heat transformation. The cold is called cold dampness, and the tongue coating must be white and thick; the heat is called damp heat, and the tongue coating must be yellow and thick.

Warming and transforming cold and dampness is the use of medicines that warm yang and invigorate the spleen or strengthen the kidney and dispel cold, so that the water and dampness can be dispersed. Commonly used products are Fuzi, Guizhi, Ephedra, Huoxiang, Qiang Duhuo, Paleolus and so on.

Wen Yang

Yang Qi is an important driving force for the life activities of the human body. When Yang Qi is deficient, symptoms such as aversion to cold and cold limbs, tiredness and chest tightness, and faint pulse will appear.

Warming Yang is to use pungent medicine to supplement Yang Qi and improve the quality of life. Commonly used products are aconitum, aconite, cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, Shenqi pills and so on.

Protect the sun

The balance of yin and yang is the guarantee of good health, any one party's prosperity and decline will be the beginning of the disease.

Protecting yang is a method adopted in the state of yin and yang deficiency. It nourishes yin and at the same time maintains yang qi, so that both yin and yang can be rescued. Commonly used products include aconite, ginseng, kidney qi pills, yam pills and so on.

Yang Yin

Yin is the material basis for maintaining human life, without yin there is no yang.

Yin nourishing is to use cool and nourishing medicine to treat diseases caused by loss of body fluids. Commonly used products include Adenophora chinensis, Chinese yam, Tianmaidong, habitat, Polygonatum odoratum, Dendrobium and so on.

Save yin and save yang

"Nei Jing" said: "When Yin and Yang are separated, essence and energy are absolutely eliminated." It is revealed that the yin and yang of the human body are complementary, and once there is a break between them, life may end.

Saving Yin and Jiyang is an emergency treatment at a critical moment. It is necessary to save both Yin and Yang, and the chance of success is slim. Commonly used products are large doses of ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, cornus, schisandra and so on.

Reduce fire

Under normal circumstances, both water and fire should be in balance. Because of the nature of fire, it always burns upwards, if there is insufficient Yin fluid in the body, it will easily lead to upward inflammation of the fire.

Reducing fire is the use of medicines that clear away heat and are good at descending to treat diseases with hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency, heart fire or liver fire, or hyperactivity of phase fire. Commonly used products include ocher, raw gypsum, gentian, coptis, gardenia, lotus seed heart and so on.

Clearing heat and cooling blood

In a healthy state, the blood flows through the vessels without abnormality. However, if there is too much heat accumulated in the body, it will affect the circulatory system, and it will easily lead to symptoms of blood flow.

Clearing heat and cooling blood is a treatment for skin rashes, erythema or various bleeding diseases caused by blood heat. Commonly used drugs include rhino horn, raw land, paeonol, fried gardenia, maogen and so on.

Clearing away heat and dampness

Ye Tianshi said in "External Sensation and Warmth": "The dampness penetrates under the heat, and if you don't fight with the heat, you will be alone." It tells us that to treat dampness and heat, it is necessary to use both heat-clearing and dampness-reducing drugs, or to choose a medicine that has both heat-clearing and dampness-reducing functions.

There are many medicines for clearing away heat and promoting dampness, such as Yinchen, Bianzhu, talc, barley, plantain seed, Smilax tuckahoe, etc., all of which have certain effects.

Clearing heat and resolving phlegm

Phlegm can be divided into hot phlegm and cold phlegm. Hot phlegm is often yellow and thick, while cold phlegm is often white and thin. Internal stagnation of hot phlegm can also easily lead to diseases such as scrofula, gall tumors, and mental disorders.

The commonly used medicines for clearing away heat and reducing phlegm include Tinglizi, Fritillaria, Gualoushi, Bamboo Lek, Bamboo Ru, Lushi Guntan Pills and so on.

Reduce phlegm

Phlegm is a general term for various diseases caused by stagnation of water and dampness, including different pathogenesis such as obstruction of phlegm and qi, disturbance of phlegm fire, entry of wind and phlegm into collaterals, retention of dampness and turbidity, and blockage of heart orifices.

There are many kinds of medicines for reducing phlegm, such as pinellia, perilla, white mustard seed, white aconite, dannanxing, inula, tangerine peel, baiqian, etc.; The cool ones include Tinglizi, Gualoushi, Tianzhuhuang, Zhulek, Zhuru, Zhebei, Campanulaceae, seaweed, Scorpion Changshan, etc..

Resolving phlegm and dredging collaterals

Traditional Chinese medicine often thinks that some stubborn and difficult diseases, such as atrophy of the lower limbs, paralysis of the soft palate, crooked mouth and eyes, strong tongue, nervous headache, epilepsy, etc., are related to the entry of wind and phlegm into the collaterals.

When wind-phlegm enters the collaterals, it must be treated by resolving phlegm and dredging collaterals. Commonly used drugs are Guizhi, Asarum, Bombyx mori, Dilong, Baifuzi, Dannanxing and so on.

Purging fire

Heat is the beginning of fire, and fire is the extreme of heat. All kinds of fevers, if not cleared up in time, will often get worse and turn into flames.

Purging the fire refers to the use of cold and cool medicine to draw fire from the bottom of the pot and directly break the flame. Commonly used are gypsum, Anemarrhena, Coptis, Lianzixin, Morus alba, Digupi and so on.

Soft and firm

Many diseases are lingering and often may accumulate lumps, such as breast and prostate hyperplasia, thyroid and lymph node enlargement, various benign and malignant tumors, etc.

Softening firmness and resolving stagnation is an effective treatment for the above-mentioned lesions. Commonly used drugs include silkworm, Zhejiang shellfish, kelp, seaweed, black nightshade, clam shells, raw oysters, saponins, Prunella vulgaris, Arrowhead mushrooms and so on.

Expel beverages

Drink is a disease formed by the accumulation of water for too long, such as phlegm drink, hanging drink, branch drink, drink retained in the stomach and intestines, water drink work and so on.

To expel fluid is to use medicines with strong diuretic effect to expel the accumulated fluid. For example, Gan Sui, Gui Zhi, Job's Tears, Seaweed, Poria, Bian Zhi, Tong Cao, Dong Kwai Zi, Liu Fu Nu, and so on.

Soothe the liver and regulate qi

The liver governs catharsis, and the sex is happy. Frustrations in life and mental depression will cause stagnation of liver qi, resulting in symptoms such as chest and hypochondrium distension and pain in the lower abdomen.

The commonly used medicines for soothing the liver and regulating qi include Bupleurum, turmeric, Cyperus cyperi, Citrus aurantium, Qingpi, Sanleng, Toosendan and so on.

Suppressing liver and subduing yang

The liver is the organ of wood among the five elements, and wood is the easiest to transform into fire. Diseases caused by liver fire are very common. Because fire belongs to yang, so the liver fire is inflamed, also known as hyperactivity of liver yang.

Smoothing the liver and suppressing the yang is an effective way to treat hyperactivity of the liver yang. Commonly used drugs include antelope horn, Uncaria, Shicasia, ocher, raw oyster, Prunella vulgaris and so on.

Calming the liver and calming the wind

It is a natural phenomenon that hot poles generate wind, which can be confirmed by seeing that typhoons form around the equator in summer. The liver is a wooden organ, which is very easy to transform into fire, and it is inevitable that the fire will cause the wind to move. Therefore, when the liver yang is hyperactive, excited symptoms such as convulsions, shaking, and limb spasms are often seen.

Suppressing the liver and calming the wind is a treatment method for diseases such as internal movement of liver wind and upward flow of wind and phlegm. Commonly used drugs are gastrodia elata, uncaria, earthworm, antelope horn, shicasia and so on.


"Nei Jing" said: "The wind is good, and the number changes." Therefore, Chinese medicine often compares some sudden onset, volatile and unpredictable diseases to wind. For example, for epilepsy, sudden syncope accompanied by convulsions, it is considered to be the upward movement of wind and phlegm; for limb spasms caused by encephalitis and cerebral hemorrhage, it is considered to be internal movement of liver wind.

The treatment method can be antispasmodic and Xifeng. Commonly used drugs include scorpion, centipede, earthworm, silkworm, white peony root, uncaria and so on.

Nourish the heart and strengthen the spleen

In Chinese medicine, the heart is the official of a gentleman and the commander of the human body; the spleen governs the movement and transformation, and is the logistical guarantee for the continuation of life. It can be seen that the heart and spleen are equally important.

Nourishing the heart and invigorating the spleen is the main method for treating diseases such as deficiency of the heart and spleen, heart failure, various anemias, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Commonly used drugs include astragalus, Codonopsis pilosula, Guizhi, maltose, yam, roasted licorice and so on.

Traffic Heart and Kidney

The heart is the master of life, and belongs to fire among the five elements; the kidney controls waste metabolism, and belongs to water among the five elements. Kidney water has a restrictive relationship with the heart fire, just like the country's parliament or supervisory department, which controls the president from illegal acts, thus forming a relatively stable internal environment.

Communication between the heart and the kidney is a cure for the incoordination between the heart and the kidney. Commonly used drugs include Jiaotai Pills, Huanglian Ejiao Decoction, Guizhi Jialonggu Oyster Decoction and so on.

Start to understand things properly

The "Nei Jing" said: "The heart is the official of a gentleman, and the gods come out of it." It can be seen that in Chinese medicine, all human emotions and thoughts are managed and regulated by the heart. Insanity caused by various reasons, or disturbance of consciousness, or even unconsciousness, are considered to be closed mind orifices.

Resuscitation is one of the methods of Chinese medicine to deal with blocked heart orifices. Commonly used drugs include Angongniuhuang Pills, Suhexiang Pills, Zhibaodan, Shichangpu, Dannanxing, Tongguansan and so on.


"Nei Jing" said: "If a person is injured by cold, it is a disease of fever." When caught by a cold evil, the result is always heat, which shows that febrile diseases are very common. If it is not cleared in time, the heat will intensify and develop into poison, so heat poison is an upgraded version of heat.

Clearing heat and detoxifying is the best way to treat heat and toxin accumulation. Commonly used drugs are Yinhua, Forsythia, Violadin, Dandelion, Coptis, Scutellaria, Phellodendron, Gardenia and so on.

Invigorate the spleen

In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen governs the transportation and transformation of water and grain, and continuously provides micronutrients for human life activities, which is called the foundation of acquired constitution. It can be seen that the importance of the spleen is self-evident.

Invigorating the spleen is to implement the idea of putting prevention first, and it is an effective way to prevent diseases. Commonly used medicines include yam, Atractylodes macrocephala, Codonopsis pilosula, Zhilicorice, Gallus gallus chinensis and so on.

Harmonise the stomach

The main function of the stomach is to receive and decompose water and grains. Three meals a day are digested in the stomach, how stressful it is. In addition, it has to be continuously stimulated by various liquors and spicy foods, so wear and tear can be imagined.

And the stomach is to take some protective measures as much as possible to reduce its burden and relieve its trauma. Commonly used drugs are Codonopsis, Coptidis, Gardenia, Huoxiang, Chenpi, Pinellia, Zhuru, Neijin and so on.


The physiological function of the stomach is to digest food, but if people eat without restraint, or overeat, the function of the stomach will often be damaged, and symptoms such as abdominal distension, nausea, and abdominal distension will occur.

Digestion is a cure for stagnant diet. Commonly used medicines include radish seed, gallinaceous gold, divine comedy, hawthorn, grain malt, Baohe pill and so on.

Delay stagnation

Digestion and stagnation are often mentioned together because they are both methods of treating indigestion. But there are also differences between them, the main reason is that the symptoms to be dealt with by digestion are relatively mild; while those who need to guide stagnation, most of them have abdominal refusal to press, or stones on the press, and the condition has further aggravated.

The commonly used drugs for causing stagnation include rhubarb, citrus aurantium, radish seed, Baohe pill, Neijin, Shenqu and so on.

Reduce hypothermia

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that a person's qi mechanism is in order to descend. For example, if the lung qi rises against it, it will cause wheezing and coughing;

Reducing adverse events is the treatment method set up for upward adverse events of the qi mechanism. Commonly used medicines include cinnamon sticks, perilla, pinellia, spinach, ochre, burdock and so on.


As the name suggests, laxative is to defecate. Many diseases can cause constipation in the stool, especially the excess heat in the Yangming organs.

There are many ways to laxative. Commonly used drugs include rhubarb, Glauber's salt, senna leaves, cassia seeds, Yu Liren, Maziren pills, honey decoction and so on.

Kidney invigorating

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation, and if the kidney is abundant, life must be full of vitality. On the contrary, it often leads to developmental delay and malaise; severe cases may shorten life span and even die young.

Invigorating the kidney is generally divided into nourishing the kidney yang and nourishing the kidney yin. Common medicines for invigorating kidney yang are antlers, cistanche, dog ridge, Morinda officinalis, Yizhiren, Shenqi pills, etc.


"Nei Jing" says: "Kidney stores essence"; It can be seen that Chinese medicine believes that the reproduction of human beings is mainly related to whether the essence of the kidneys is sufficient.

Essence replenishment is the method adopted when the kidney essence is exhausted and affects fertility. Commonly used drugs are dodder, medlar, privet privet, Wuzi Yanzong pills and so on.

Inhale Qi

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs control breathing and the kidneys control intake. The gas exchange between man and nature is not only responsible for the lungs, but also has a certain connection with the kidneys. Many chronically ill patients often suffer from shortness of breath, which is mostly related to kidney failure.

The method of invigorating qi is mainly on the basis of tonifying the kidney, adding amethyst, gecko, agarwood and the like, and the clinical experience has a very good effect. In addition, it can also be used for galactorrhea. Commonly used drugs include Gorgon fruit, golden cherry fruit, keel, oyster and so on.

Toning and regulating the impulses

"Nei Jing" said: "A woman's twenty-seventh day is Guizhi, the Ren pulse is open, the Taichong pulse is strong, and the menstruation is at the current time, so there is a child." It means that whether a woman's menstruation and reproductive function are normal is related to the Chong Ren Meridian.

Adjustment of Chong Ren is a treatment for the imbalance of Chong Ren and obstruction of Chong Ren. Commonly used drugs are Danshen, Angelica, Chuanxiong, Paeoniae Alba, Motherwort, Rhizoma Cyperi and so on.


In the books of traditional Chinese medicine, it is often seen that symptoms such as rushing to the dolphin, qi rushing upward to the chest, qi upward to the heart, and qi from the lower abdomen to the heart are often described.

Ping Chong is to use medicines that are good at sinking, so that the Qi of Chong Chong can return to calm. Such as Guizhi, Suzi, Pinellia, Xuanfu, Daizhe, Gorgon, Arctium, Ligenpi and so on.

Unblock the meridians

La médecine chinoise considère que l'accès aux méridiens et aux vaisseaux sanguins du corps humain est la chose la plus importante. Partout où il y a un blocage, la maladie surviendra. Tels que la tête, le corps, la poitrine, l'abdomen et les douleurs articulaires, la paralysie des membres, la démence et l'amnésie, la paralysie des tremblements, l'hémiplégie, la langue et la bouche tordues, l'œdème unilatéral, les grumeaux et les hémorroïdes, la bradycardie, le rythme irrégulier, l'aménorrhée et la dysménorrhée, les caillots sanguins, les ecchymoses traumatiques, etc., sont toutes causées par l'absence de passage par les méridiens.

On voit que le dragage des méridiens est très important. Les médicaments couramment utilisés comprennent la Salvia miltiorrhiza, le Chuanxiong, le noyau de pêche, la racine de pivoine rouge, le Wangbuliu, le Chuanshanlong, le luffa, l'herbe de scorpion, la vigne de scorpion, la branche de mûrier, etc.

Stagnant and astringent

The balance of water and electrolytes is one of the important indicators of human health. Therefore, to deal with excessive loss of body fluids, such as frequent urination, diarrhea, excessive sweating, nocturnal emission and spermatorrhea, self-flowing milk, prolonged menstruation, anal appointment, and damaged veins, Chinese medicine usually adopts astringent and astringent treatment methods.

The commonly used medicines for astringency include red stone fat, pomegranate peel, Tongshayuan, Schisandra chinensis, ebony plum, Gorgon fruit, keel, oyster, Zaoxin soil, Gujing pill, etc.


"Nei Jing" says: "The eyes can see after receiving blood, the feet can walk after receiving blood, and the palms can grasp after receiving blood...". It can be seen that the various organs and tissues of the human body can only function normally if they are continuously infused with blood. Once the veins are damaged or the blood does not flow through the meridians due to illness or bruises, urgent measures to stop the bleeding must be taken without delay.

There are many drugs to stop bleeding, commonly used are donkey-hide gelatin, mugwort leaves, Sophora japonica, thistle, Burnet, white and, madder, lotus root, coriander root, agrimony and so on.


"Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" said: "Women who are pregnant should take Danggui powder regularly." Taking medicine without disease is to ensure safety. It can be seen that Chinese medicine has an anti-fetal effect.

However, in our opinion, if everything is normal, we should avoid fatigue, taboo sex and travel cautiously. Only when you feel backache or abdominal discomfort, it is more reasonable to receive treatment. After all, medicine is three-point poison, not more is better.

Give birth

During pregnancy, if due to overwork or an accidental fall, fetal movement, waist soreness and abdominal pain, and even a small amount of vaginal bleeding are caused, it is called a threatened miscarriage. In principle, bed rest should be used, and at the same time, drugs should be used to induce miscarriage.

However, if the waist pain and abdominal sagging are aggravated, the bleeding increases, especially if coagulation is seen in the blood, most of them are unavoidable miscarriages. It is reasonable to let nature take its course, or take decisive measures to abort the baby. Forced abortion is meaningless, the result can only be counterproductive.

Relax the tendons and open the meridians

Generally speaking, traditional Chinese medicine believes that symptoms such as the strength of the neck or the body, poor flexion and extension of the limbs, hamstring cramps, calf spasms, and muscle tension are related to the failure of the meridians, or the lack of nourishment of the tendons, or wind-phlegm. Access related.

Soothing the tendons and dredging the collaterals is the treatment method for the above-mentioned pathogenesis. Commonly used medicines include cinnamon twigs, mulberry branches, papaya, melon, peony, earthworm, scorpion vine, Achyranthes bidentata, Chuanshanlong, Shenjincao and so on.

Dispelling the wind and unblocking the meridians

Traditional Chinese medicine mostly thinks that some long-term and intractable diseases, such as atrophy of lower limbs, paralysis of the soft palate, crooked mouth and eyes, strong tongue, difficulty in speaking, trigeminal neuralgia, and recurrent epilepsy, are caused by wind-phlegm entering the collaterals.

Treatment should focus on dispelling wind and dredging collaterals. Commonly used drugs include ephedra, cassia twig, windproof, scorpion, centipede, silkworm, earthworm and so on.


Dryness evil hurts people, and it is most likely to consume body fluid and seize fluid. Most of them have symptoms such as dry cough without phlegm, dry throat and tongue. In addition, intestinal peristalsis slows down due to the drying up of body fluid, and stool hardening often occurs.

Moisturizing the dryness is to use the medicine of nourishing and promoting body fluid to protect the mucous membrane and relieve the condition. Commonly used products include Ophiopogon japonicus, Scrophulariaceae, almonds, honey, Yu Liren, Maren pills and so on.

Clear the lungs

The lung is the main organ of the respiratory system. If the lung is invaded by evil spirits, including pneumothorax and silicosis, coughing and wheezing will inevitably occur. This kind of situation is often referred to in traditional Chinese medicine as lung qi not dispersing, or lung loss.

Xunfei means to unblock the lungs, so that the disease has no place to hide. Commonly used drugs include ephedra, magnolia, mulberry leaves, mint, shegan, almonds, Peucedanum, platycodon, mulberry, burdock and so on.


Coughing is a defensive response, the body's way of protecting itself. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it cannot be stopped casually. However, if the cough lasts for a long time, the cause of the disease has long since disappeared, and only the cough center of the brain has formed an excitatory focus, so cough-relieving treatment is meaningful.

The commonly used medicines for relieving cough include basil, aster, almond, fritillaria, coltsfoot flower, loquat leaf and so on.

Clear the lungs and relieve asthma

If the lungs are trapped by wind-cold, or wind-heat, or epidemic poison, or turbid phlegm, the qi must be stagnant and cannot be ventilated. As a result, wheezing, coughing, and wheezing in the throat will occur, which is called lung failure in traditional Chinese medicine.

Expelling the lungs and relieving asthma is a custom-made treatment for lung failure. Commonly used drugs include Shegan, Ephedra, Almond, Perilla, Tingli, Morus alba, Burdock and so on.

Promote lactation

Many women have so little milk after giving birth that it is difficult for them to nurse their babies normally. It may be due to blocked milk ducts, or low levels of prolactin and prolactin, so that the milk production is not strong enough. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is referred to as the obstruction of the breast and collaterals.

The most convenient method of treatment is to dredge the collaterals and lower the milk. Commonly used drugs include Liuxingzi, Passepartout, Zhebei, Loulu, pangolin, trichosanthin, etc.

Thirst quenching

People are in a state of yin and yang balance. Unless they sweat during exercise or the weather is hot, they generally don't feel dry mouth and want to drink. Only when the internal heat is blazing, the body fluid is consumed, and the mucous membrane is dry, will the thirst be endless.

Producing body fluids and quenching thirst is not only to relieve symptoms, but also to correct or make up for the lack of body fluids. Commonly used drugs include Codonopsis, Ophiopogon japonicus, Dendrobium, pollen, Anemarrhena, gypsum and so on.

Stimulate the flow of fluids

In the case of internal heat fumigation, or loss of body fluids, such as excessive sweating and diarrhea, frequent urination, etc., symptoms of thirst and thirst, dry throat and tongue often appear. In Chinese medicine, it is called Jin Bu Shang Cheng.

Promoting body fluid is to use cool and nourishing medicine to promote the regeneration of body fluid, so as to quench thirst and moisten dryness. Commonly used products are Codonopsis, Asparagus, Ophiopogon japonicus, Dendrobium, pollen, ebony and so on.


People living in nature, especially in remote areas with poor sanitation, will inevitably be infected with many parasitic diseases, such as roundworms, hookworms, filarial worms, tapeworms, schistosomes, flagellates and so on.

Insecticide is the preferred method to get rid of parasites. Commonly used traditional Chinese medicines include neem bark, shijun meat, betel nut, catkin, crane lice, babu, flavescens, Sichuan pepper, cnidium, ebony pill, etc. Unfortunately, most of them have dubious curative effects, which is also one of the shortcomings of traditional Chinese medicine.


There are many reasons for itching. For example, genital itching may be caused by trichomonas or mold; skin itching may be caused by eczema, contact with allergens, allergies, scabies or mold infection.

Itching is only a palliative method. In fact, Chinese medicine treats the problem based on syndrome differentiation. Therefore, the thinking of Chinese medicine is extremely excellent, and it is not as simple as just using a few medicines.


Traditional Chinese medicine has always only summarized gynecological diseases in terms of meridians, belts, fetuses, and delivery. Jing is menstruation, vaginal discharge is vaginal discharge, fetus is prenatal, and childbirth is postpartum. It can be seen that the treatment of leukorrhagia plays an important role in solving women's diseases.

Stopping is how to remove excessive vaginal secretions, including inflammatory exudates. The experience of traditional Chinese medicine in this area does my part. Commonly used medicines include Gorgon fruit, ginkgo fruit, pale surgery, cuttlebone, keel, oyster and so on.

Solid punch

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Chong is a sea of blood, which is responsible for the birth of twins. Because the two channels of Chong and Ren are closely related to women's physiological and pathological conditions, so for women with excessive menstrual flow, long menstrual period, or vomiting of nosebleeds during menstruation, various vaginal bleeding, various miscarriages, abnormal fetal positions, etc., most of the syndromes are Chong and Ren. Not solid.

Consolidation is to take the method of restraint and solidification, guarding Chong Ren and achieving the purpose of treatment. Commonly used drugs are donkey-hide gelatin, mugwort leaves, Burnet, lotus root, cornus, arborvitae leaves, agrimony, purple pearl leaves, keel, oysters and so on.

Peace of mind

"Nei Jing" says: "The heart hides the spirit"; It has been clearly pointed out that all changes in people's emotions, such as palpitations, trances, insomnia, dreaming, etc., are manifestations of restlessness.

Needing the mind and tranquilizing the mind, it is effective in treating the emotional symptoms caused by deficiency of nutrient and blood, disharmony between the heart and the kidney, or blockage of the heart orifice. Commonly used drugs are Guizhi, Poria, Lily, Zaoren, Baishi, Polygala, Keel, Wheat, Tianzhuhuang, Jizihuang and so on.


Too much water stays in the body, which is called dampness. Because everyone's innate endowment, living habits, and causes of disease are different, water dampness also has the difference between cold and heat.

Dryness and dampness treatment method, often use Coptis chinensis, Cortex Phellodendron, Sophora flavescens and the like for heat treatment; It can be seen that the selection of medicines in Chinese medicine prescriptions is very meticulous, and it is by no means the same for those who are gluey or careless.


The word trouble, from the side of the fire, we can know that its symptoms are caused by the fire. Whether it is a deficiency of righteous qi or an excess of evil qi, it belongs to heat, or is about to turn into a heat disease.

Removing annoyance is to clear away heat. Commonly used medicines include gypsum, Anemarrhena, gardenia, skullcap, coptis, oyster and so on.

Pain relief

Take pain relief measures for various pain sensations. What Chinese medicine pursues is to solve the problem fundamentally, rather than appeasement and connivance.

For this reason, some painkillers in traditional Chinese medicine, such as Shaoyao Gancao Decoction, Jinlingzi Powder, Huoluoxiaolingdan, etc., are actually cause therapy. With the relief of pain, the condition can disappear.

Rescue and prevent escape

In the terminal stage of many diseases, or in natural disasters, wars, accidental trauma, etc., life is hanging by a thread. Most of the symptoms include confusion, pale and cold extremities, sweating and micropulsation, and blood pressure drop.

Rescue must prevent escape, which is a rescue measure taken in a critical moment. Commonly used products are large doses of astragalus, ginseng, aconite, cornus, Ophiopogon japonicus, Schisandra chinensis, etc. However, the administration is difficult and tedious, and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine should be advocated, or Western medicine should be the main treatment.

Stabilized fat removal

As my country's economic development is moving towards the fast lane, food supply is abundant, especially for the elderly, who live a comfortable life and reduce physical exertion, resulting in an increasingly common overnutrition. This is evidenced by the significant increase in the incidence of the three highs.

To stabilize the pressure and remove fat, the commonly used drugs are Prunella vulgaris, Cassia seed, Eucommia, Hawthorn, etc. Because there is no previous experience for reference, it is only based on independent creation, and the observation time is not long, and the trial cases are limited, so it is only for reference.


"Nei Jing" says: "The kidney governs water"; "The kidney governs water". It can be seen that Chinese medicine has long known that the kidney is the main organ responsible for the metabolism of water in the human body. In recent years, the number of patients with uremia and renal failure has increased day by day, perhaps due to ignorance and misunderstanding of the concept that the kidney governs water in the internal meridian.

Detoxification is the "clean house". It is the simplest and most effective treatment to reduce the pressure on the kidneys and eliminate the internal toxins through urination. Commonly used medicines are Guizhi, Polyporus, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, Bianzhu, Bixie, Plantago, mallow and so on.

Dispelling evil and introducing good

Clinical experience shows that in the process of fighting between good and evil, the pathological state of retention of dampness and turbidity and failure of clear yang often occurs. In this case, the method of raising the clear and lowering the turbidity should be used to treat it.

Elevating the clear and reducing the turbidity was advocated by Lei Shaoyi, a medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty. Commonly used drugs are Huoxiang, Peilan, lotus leaf, Bupleurum, Citrus aurantium, Guizhi and so on.

Sore throat

The throat is located behind the tongue, below the nasal cavity, above the esophagus, and is the gateway to the respiratory organs. When exogenous pathogens invade, the throat bears the brunt, so throat diseases are particularly common.

Throat relief is to choose drugs that are good at acting on the pharynx and clean it. Commonly used products include Shegan, Scrophulariaceae, Bellflower, Pinellia, Banlangen, Burdock and so on.


The first medical scientist who proposed this therapy was Lei Shaoyi in the Qing Dynasty, and the details were recorded in the famous book "On Seasonal Diseases".

Aromatic and turbid, it has definite curative effect on symptoms such as chest tightness, tiredness and drowsiness, white moss and slow pulse caused by dampness and turbidity retention. Commonly used drugs are Huoxiang, Peilan, lotus leaf, faxia, tangerine peel, belly skin and so on.

Activating blood to stop bleeding

The treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine, like syndrome differentiation, is very delicate. For example, to treat bleeding diseases, according to different manifestations, it can be divided into clearing heat and cooling blood, astringent to stop bleeding, promoting blood to stop bleeding, promoting blood and blood and so on.

Promoting blood to stop bleeding, suitable for treating hemorrhage in the case of blood stasis accumulation. Commonly used products include notoginseng, thistle, madder, coriander root, puhuang charcoal, stamen and so on.

Invigorate the spleen and dry dampness

Chinese medicine believes that the spleen governs the transportation and transformation of water and grains, and participates in the water metabolism of the human body. If the spleen is dysfunctional, it will cause water and dampness to accumulate, or phlegm to remain.

Invigorating the spleen and drying dampness is to promote the strengthening of the spleen and better perform the function of transporting and transforming dampness. Commonly used products are herb, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, barley, lentils and so on.

Clear secretion

Normal urine is mostly clear white and relatively transparent. If there is turbidity, like rice swill, Chinese medicine believes that it is caused by damp heat and abnormal gasification.

Separating clear and turbid secretion is to legislate for the above diseases. Commonly used drugs include Bazheng Powder, Gaolin Decoction, Zhizhuo Guben Pill, Bixie Fenqing Drink and so on.

Invigorate blood circulation and blood

Blood runs in vessels and is always affected by various factors inside and outside the body. For example, stagnation of liver qi, heavy-duty injuries, bruises and blows, etc., may all block the blood flow and form a disease of blood stasis accumulation.

Promoting blood circulation and blood circulation, it is suitable for treating mild blood stasis. Commonly used drugs are Angelica, Chuanxiong, Salvia, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Achyranthes bidentata, Panax notoginseng and so on.


To sum up, a disease is either an external syndrome or an internal syndrome; if it is not a cold syndrome, it is a heat syndrome; Sweating is the most effective treatment for excess heat or excess cold. At the same time, it can also be used for overflow drinking, so that the water stoppage can be solved by sweating.

The commonly used medicines for sweating include ephedra, cassia twig, Nepeta, and Fangfeng for wind-cold manifestations;


"Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" said: "Ascaris is a disease, which makes people salivate and heartache. Sometimes it attacks, and if the poison continues, licorice powder honey soup is the main one." It means that the deworming has failed, and in the case of helplessness, the only way to appease is to take.

Anxiety is the representative of this kind of palliative care. Therefore, there is reason to believe that Chinese medicine's anti-ascariasis drugs are not as quick and effective as Western medicine.

Balance yin and yang

Mainly used for Yin Yang Yi. The general idea is that after a woman recovers from an illness, she hands over to a man; or after a man recovers from an illness, she hands over to a woman, resulting in relapse of the illness or causing the other party to get sick.

The treatment method is to burn the trousers, take the old crotch of the man for the female disease, and take the old crotch of the woman for the male disease, burn it to ashes, and take it with clean water. Senior Xu Shuwei, Zhang Luyu, Xie Yinglu, etc. all praised its effectiveness. Attached here for reference.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that both the spleen and the kidney are important organs involved in water metabolism. If any one of them becomes dysfunctional, too much water will stay in the body, which is called dampness.

Reducing dampness is the use of drugs that have the effect of promoting urination to help the body get rid of those waters that cannot go away. Commonly used are Poria cocos, Polyporus cocos, Job's tears, flat storage, plantain seed, Kochia scoparia and so on.

Irrigation works

Diuresis means to facilitate urination, and it is mainly suitable for diseases with excessive accumulation of water in the body, such as various edema, uremia, pleural and peritoneal effusions, etc.

There are many drugs that have diuretic effects, such as Guizhi, Atractylodes macrocephala, almonds, Gansui, Poria cocos, Poria cocos, Bianzhu, plantain seed, mallow seed, wax gourd peel, etc. All have certain curative effect.

Reconcile camp and guard

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Wei belongs to Qi and Ying belongs to Blood. Qi and blood run harmoniously, and they are jointly responsible for the defense against the invasion of external evils.

Reconciling the camp and the guard refers to a subsidy method adopted when the tacit cooperation between the camp and the guard is lost. The commonly used medicine is Guizhi Decoction.


Chinese medicine believes that qi is an important force to promote blood circulation and maintain the functional activities of viscera. If the flow of qi is blocked, chest and hypochondrium fullness, abdominal distention, and various pain symptoms will appear.

Regulating qi is to take medicine that can drive qi mechanism to relieve the above-mentioned various diseases. Commonly used products are Cyperus cyperi, Qingpi, Magnolia officinalis, Aurantium citrus, Trichosanthes, Cumin, Toosendan and so on.

Qi - by Nei Jing

The "Nei Jing" says that "righteous qi exists inside, and evil cannot be done"; "when evil gathers together, its qi must be empty." Daoming Qi is the most precious existence in life, which cannot be neglected or neglected arbitrarily.

Supplementing qi is a supplementary method adopted when the qi of the human body is weak. Commonly used drugs are astragalus, codonopsis, yam, Atractylodes macrocephala, sealwort, licorice and so on.

Solid state

The excess heat in the human body is often excreted through sweating. But sometimes you shouldn't be sweating, but you sweat instead, and you will lose your physiological normality.

Consolidation refers to the use of harmonizing, astringent or protective drugs to correct the above abnormal conditions. Commonly used products are astragalus, white peony root, ephedra root, floating wheat, keel, oyster and so on.


Chinese medicine believes that the functional activities of the human viscera and organs are maintained by Qi. If you are tired or ill for a long time, resulting in insufficient qi, you will easily sink, and then you will have chest tightness, shortness of breath, inguinal hernia, uterine and anal prolapse and other diseases.

Lifting is to take the method of invigorating qi and lifting, so as to relieve the above-mentioned symptoms. Commonly used drugs are astragalus, codonopsis, cohosh, bupleurum, lotus leaf, bellflower and so on.

Nourish blood

"Nei Jing" said: "Qi is the commander of blood, and blood is the mother of Qi". It can be seen that blood is the most important material basis for human life activities.

Nourishing blood refers to the use of drugs that help blood production for conditioning in the case of blood deficiency. Commonly used products include angelica, rehmannia glutinosa, donkey-hide gelatin, Shouwu, white peony root, mulberry and so on.

Tonic and solidification

Traditional Chinese medicine refers to shock, coma and other phenomena that occur in the state of anemia as blood deficiency and qi detachment. This situation has reached a dangerous moment when yin and yang are separated and life is dying.

Reinforcing the deficiencies and solidifying the deficiencies is the way to deal with the above-mentioned crisis, and the hope of success is slim. The commonly used prescriptions are Daji Shengmaisan, Wumei Wan, Sini plus Ginseng Decoction and so on.

Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis

"Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" said: "The patient's chest is full, his lips are flaccid, his tongue is blue, his mouth is dry, but he wants to rinse water and does not want to swallow, he has no cold or heat, his pulse is weak and large, and his stomach is full. For blood stasis; also said: "Abdominal pain in a parturient... because there is dried blood in the abdomen". It can be seen that diseases caused by blood stasis are not uncommon.

Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is a unique treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Using drugs that can melt blood coagulation and promote blood circulation can easily relieve many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Commonly used products include ground soft-shelled turtle, peach kernel, salvia miltiorrhiza, Chuanxiong, red peony root, three-lens and so on.

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